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Tips to take care of your child experiencing cold or fever

Posted on: 06/Jan/2017 6:06:48 PM
This being winter season, your child is highly prone to cold or fever that will put him on bed, not letting him go to school. Even the parents experience trouble. To all such parents who are confused on how to handle cold in your kid, here are few tips as recommended by Siddha specialists
When they experience cold, children tend to resist eating and lie tired faced. Even if they eat, they will vomit all of it and feel sick throughout. Giving them fresh milk during such times is one of the biggest mistakes parents make very often.
In general, our body has three Doshas or biological energies which are Kapha, Vataa and Pitta. Each of these three is interrelated. Even if one of these is hit, the other two will also get eventually affected and cause bodily troubles.
Consuming sugary food will increase Kapha. Milk, sugar, jiggery, carbohydrate rich food, etc are those that surge Kapha. Hence, in children, while they experience cold or fever, milk should be completely avoided for intake.
Giving milk during cold or fever time will furthermore increase cold and make them suffer even more. Likewise, breastfeeding mothers can avoid cold or fever in their toddler by eating spicy food. Ginger Chutney, pepper or garlic Rasam, garlic gravy, Turkey berry (Sundaikkai in Tamil), etc will prevent cold in babies.

It is important and mandatory for us to eat nutritive food based on change in season. Consuming spicy food during winter is also one of the seasonal changes we need to incorporate. Only then will we be able to prevent unwanted troubles.

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