CBSE students writing their 10th std exams in 2017-18 will now have to score a minimum of 33 per cent in the board and practical exams. The information was part of an official statement released by the CBSE, or Central Board of Secondary Education. The statement also says that the proposed three languages that made Sanskrit or an Indian language compulsory for students has been scrapped.
The CBSE has said that the CCE, or Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation, scheme will not continue after Class 6. Under this scheme, the students are assessed on a year performance instead of just in exams.
The 10th Std. Board exam will test students on 100 per cent of the syllabus instead of just the second term portions. Marks for Internal Assessment have been reduced from 40 marks to 20 marks. The best of three scores will be taken into consideration.
According to the CBSE circular, Consequent upon the decision taken by the governing body of the board, the dual scheme for Class 10 known hitherto as scheme I and II shall stand discontinued.