The Commissioner of the Chennai Metro Corporation Mr. Karthikeyan has announced that all traders under the domain of the corporation can renew their trading licences for the new Financial Year 2017-18.
A brief on the press release by the Chennai Metro Corporation regarding this
Arrangements have made for the traders in the city to renew their trading licences for the new Financial Year 2017-18, both in the normal procedure through the Licence Inspectors in Chennai Corporation as well as in the special camps being organised from the renewal of trading licences.
Considering the welfare of the traders, another facility to renew the licence through the high technology avenue through the internet on the official website of the Chennai Metro Corporation.
In order to renew the trading licence, it is compulsory that the name of the shop or organisation is written in Tamil language. It is also a violation of law for the industries to discharge the effluents of the factories into the Chennai Metro Corporation’s Drain-water systems. If this is found, the licence will get cancelled. Ramps must be constructed in the large trading complexes in order to facilitate the gathering of public, especially, the differently-abled and the senior citizens.
Surveillance monitoring CCTV cameras must be installed in all major trading complexes. The licence will not be renewed for the shops which have annexed the platform for the pedestrians and use it. The traders in the field of publishing and making digital banners must collect the complete details of the advertisers including the name, address, cell number, telephone number, etc., and must register them in the relevant register.
Legal action will be taken on the traders conducting business without licence.
For further information, please contact the toll-free number 1913. Otherwise, get the details in the official website of the corporation.