The Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority is taking all possible measures to ensure proper water security and recharge ground water. The Audit on Rainwater Harvesting System Implementation in Chennai Metropolitan Area has shared a recommendation report as amendment in development regulations of the Chennai Metropolitan Area. The CMDA is likely to incorporate these recommendations.
On Friday, a high level meeting headed by CMDA member secretary was held. Here, discussions regarding implementing the recommendations of audit report were done. In the year 2002-03, recharge pits were made compulsory in every household, as per the Annexure 19 of development regulations to conserve rainwater. According to sources, the new recommendations focus mainly on doing away with these pits.
People do not follow it properly or their filter gets clogged at times. The suggestion now is to opt for recharge wells, according to sources. Instead of recharge pits, the recommendations focus on recharge wells that have diameter of 3 to 6 feet and his may increase up to 15 feet depth.
When recharge wells are implemented, the ground water aquifers can be transformed into massive storage tanks.
Chennai completely relies on groundwater and the city does not have any water reserve in reservoir. As the city is totally relying on ground water, it poses threat to saline water intrusion.