Kumari Palany & Co

Google Maps, eBay and Amazon distress Apple by withdrawing support

Posted on: 03/May/2017 12:05:39 PM
Important mobile apps such as Google Maps, eBay, Amazon and few others have disappointed Apple Watch app by withdrawing their support for watchOS in their next update sent to App Store.
According to Google’s confirmation, it has withdrawn support for Google Maps. This is however claimed as a temporary thing, as per reports.
The release note does not contain any hint about the removal. Further, Google has also not mentioned about restoring its support for watchOS.
In the earlier versions, both Amazon and eBay had included Apple Watch support. Now, both these have removed support in their respective apps. It was in April that the two had last updated.
Reports state that the reason behind removal of support on Apple Watch is still unclear. There is no clue whether Apple is involved in any way in making this decision.
It has been 2 years since Apple had launched smartwatches. The software version remained restricted to apps all of which were iPhone app extensions.
In 2016, Apple released watchOS 3 software with which app developers were able to create standalone apps exclusively for Apple watches.