Kumari Palany & Co

When is the good time to drink coffee?

Posted on: 10/Jun/2017 12:13:43 PM
Are you one of those who sips a cup of coffee soon after you wake up? If yes, chances are that you are doing the wrong thing! When you kick start your day with a coffee, it may cause more harm than good, as compared to consuming the same at any other hour of the day. So, how to go about it? Here it is:
Human body maintains a specific circadian rhythm. It triggers production of hormones that are responsible of controlling your sleepiness or activeness throughout the day. With these, cortisol, the hormone controlling your feeling of being awake is also produced.
Your body has specific times when the cortisol production is too high and other hours when it’s wee. So, science claims that one should not drink coffee or any caffeine rich beverage when your body has high levels of cortisol production. If you do so, a resistance to caffeine shall get developed and the effect of coffee shall get diminished. So, the same amount of coffee will not suffice your need and you will long or more of it.
For people who wake up anywhere between 6 am and 8 am, below are the time slots when cortisol production is too high in your body:
  • Increases at 7 to 9 am. And decreases at 9.30 am. Now, the cortisol level will uptick by 50 percent. It is called the cortisol awakening response
  • Increases at 12 noon and reduce by 1 pm. As compared to morning, there is drop in cortisol level now. We call it diurnal rhythm.
  • Increases at 6 pm and reduces at 7 pm. Cortisol follows a regular sleeping pattern and the drop in cortisol is pronounced in these hours.
  • The ideal time to consume coffee is thus between the time slots between 9.30 am and 11.30 am, and between 01.30 pm and 05.30 pm, and after 7 pm.