Kumari Palany & Co

Scientists have come up with a battery-free cell phone

Posted on: 07/Jul/2017 4:10:40 PM
Here is for the very first time, a battery-less cell phone. Scientists including Indian ones have developed such cell phones. These consume no power at all and they get the needed energy through ambient radio signals or light.
In this battery-free phones, the team also was able to achieve in making phone calls. This demonstrated that the developed prototype can transmit as well as receive speech and transfer signals with the base station.
Speaking about this, Shyam Gollakota, the associate professor at the University of Washington said that they have altogether developed the very first functioning cell phone that needs zero power.
A power-hungry step in contemporary transmissions where analogue signals are converted into digital data is eliminated.
It was really impossible for designing a phone model that can totally depend on ambient power source, say researchers. This process is highly energy consuming.
A battery-free cell phone would have its advantage of those minute vibrations in phone’s microphone or speaker that is obtained with a person’s talking or listening to the other person on the call.