Kumari Palany & Co

Prospects for heavy rains for the next 3 days in Tamil Nadu

Posted on: 11/Jul/2017 10:23:24 AM
The Chennai Meteorological Centre has informed that there are good prospects for heavy rain for the next 3 days in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry.

The changes in the velocity of the western winds and also a recent development of a thermal convection have led to groups of cloud formation. These will all merge and will move in the eastern direction. When these heavy clouds link with the high humidity sea-breeze, this will lead to heavy rains with lightning and thunder.

The Chennai Meteorological officials explained that due to the above developments in the climate, there are prospects of rain for the next 3 days in a few places in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry and also prospects of rain with lightning and thunder in the South Tamil Nadu areas.