Battery manufacturers such as Exide and Amara Raja are finding their profit margin terribly down due to the increase in the element Lead. However it is a gainer for the lead producing miners and Industries, it will impose the negative effects of the price hike only on lead dependent industries especially battery manufacturers.
The increase in lead prices was a global issue. It found its peak on January 2016 when there was a 52% increase with another 33% increase by April 2016, costing nearly $2,327 per ton.
Nearly two third of a battery composition primarily dependent on lead and so this sudden increase affects not only the battery manufacturers but also the customers who are always ditched with increased product price for whatsoever reason when these element’s prices are increased.
There was a slight decrease in the price of the metal recently which in turn raised up the share value of these Battery manufacturing Industries. But the latest report from the Lead and Zinc Study group clearly states that there was a increase in demand of lead up to 68 kiloton by the end of April 2017. This will again affect the Vehicle Industries and other Industries that depend on lead.