Nowadays, many children get affected by the inflammation in the brain. It is advisable to be aware of this – how it is caused and how to prevent.
Brain inflammation occurs due to swelling in the brain or swelling and irritation in the blood veins. It is also possible that a poliovirus can cause brain inflammation. In order to prevent this possibility, polio vaccination is done on the children in the young age. Mainly because of this precautionary action. There are no major brain inflammation cases in the state of Tamil Nadu. Thus, it is essential to administer the polio vaccination at the young age itself.
Japanese encephalitis (brain inflammation) is caused by the virus mosquitoes. Especially, after being bitten by the mosquitoes which have bit pigs earlier. The residents who live in filthy and unhygienic areas are generally affected by this. This infection is caused mainly by being bitten by the ‘culex’ mosquitoes. Immediate treatment is a must when affected by this. Children under the age of 15 are most affected by this. Presently, this has been spreading quite rapidly. In case of being affected by fever for a week and body fatigue, it is better to take the blood test immediately. Once the disease is detected early, it is always easier to cure.
Zika virus mainly attacks married couples. This may likely to lead to the birth of children with defective brain growth though they might have other organs healthy. These children will also be affected by zika virus. The symptoms for zika are identical as in the case of dengue fever – fever, skin inflammation, pain in the joints, headache, et.c, will persist for 7 days.
Preventive measures for brain inflammation
· Keep the surroundings clean.
· Avoid and prevent stagnant water in the house and neighbourhood.
· Take the preventive action to prevent mosquito bite.
· Ensure that there are no pigs abounding in the local area.
· Get the proper vaccination.
· In case of persistent fever, consult the doctor immediately.
· Use pure drinking water.
· Avoid unhygienic and unhealthy food items.