Kumari Palany & Co

Mandatory to link Aadhar card with smart ration card before 31st December

Posted on: 23/Sep/2017 3:27:49 PM
An official from the state government department of food has announced that Aadhar card number with the smart ration card before 31st December.

The PDS (public Distribution system) in Tamil Nadu has been computerised and electronic smart ration cards are being distributed to the 1,92 Crore family card holders. While implementing the new smart card, it was emphasised that Aadhar card must be linked to this plan.

Subsequently, the family ration card holders linked their Aadhar card details through the App on their smartphones or by directly visiting their ration shops.

Presently, smart ration cards are being given only to those who have linked their Aadhar card details. Earlier, it was announced that 30th September was the deadline for linking Aadhar card with the family ration card. Now, the deadline has been extended to 31st December.

An official from the Food Department explained that so far, 1.61 Crore family ration card holders have linked their Adhar card details. 31.76 Lakhs family card holders have furnished part details.

So far, around 36000 family ration card holders including 25000 card holders from Chennai Metro City have not yet linked their Aadhar card details.

A list on this has been made and house-to-house visits have been undertaken by the staff to review and complete the task of linking the Aadhar card details. In case their details have been left out, they are collected and filled. Otherwise, there is the possibility of the family ration cards being kept blocked.