Kumari Palany & Co

Most common causes of irregular periods in young women

Posted on: 28/Sep/2017 12:37:27 PM
Those women who have trouble in getting regular periods and experience a skip in menstrual cycle by once in three months or so without any signs of pregnancy will have to certainly visit a gynecologist.
Often times, women experience irregular periods and that’s perfectly fine. This may be due to lifestyle changes, environmental factors like your work timing. However, when you experience amenorrhea (missing periods without being pregnant) at early ages, it is advisable to consult a physician.
Some of the most common reasons for the condition as explained by IVF experts are listed below to throw light on the condition for those who are panicked about irregular periods. Read on
You may skip cause of stress
You may not get your period if you are too much stressed. Stress factors may have direct impact on your menstrual cycle. Due to increased stress levels, hormones like cortisol – physical or emotional hormone may interfere with menstrual hormone and make it surge, thus resulting in delay or stoppage of menstrual cycle.
Too heavy workouts
It is always good to keep your body moving, but overdoing exercise is definitely a big No. Aggressive workouts may disturb your hormones just the way soaring stress level does. Furthermore, when you indulge in sever workout without even taking enough volume of calories, it may disrupt your body. For avid gym-goers an athletes who don’t have much body fat, skipping periods comes with no shock!
Very less body weight
There are good and bad fats in our body. A few kinds of fat are essential for our body. When you weight too low, your reproductive system may stop the process of ovulation. Further, extremely thin women may not easily get pregnant. Likewise, weighing too heavy may also lead to fertility issues. So, monitor your weight and maintain it such that it is neither too heavy nor too less.
Possibilities of PCOS
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome has got very common among women these days. In fact, the problem starts right during young age because of lifestyle habits. It is a kind of endocrine disorder which you can identify with very obvious symptoms.
PCOS is due to the presence of cysts in ovaries, weight gain or fertility issues. If you observe excessive bodily hair, sudden hair fall, depression, etc coupled with irregular periods, you may consider those as signs of PCOS. However, remember that PCOS has different effects on different women. When this is left untreated, it may even lead to type-2 diabetes or heart issues. Getting it checked at the initial stages is advisable.
Pre-mature menopause
Often times, we associate menopause only with older women and fail to understand about pre-mature happening of the same. Younger women may also experience premature ovarian failure.
Some of the possible reasons for this condition are high levels of job stress, work culture pressure, food habits, etc. The exact cause is however still unknown.