Kumari Palany & Co

Intriguing updates on what happened to Jayalalitha on 22nd Sep 2016

Posted on: 28/Sep/2017 4:07:55 PM
So far, no authoritative news has been shared as to what exactly happened when the former CM Jayalalithaa was admitted in Apollo Hospital till her death.

At the same time, it was being mentioned that none apart from the doctors were allowed to see the CM right from the date of admission (22nd September 2016) till her death.

So, it remains a mystery as to whether really anyone else apart from the doctors managed to visit and see the former CM.

In this situation, a ‘patient care report’ immediately after the late CM was admitted in the Apollo Hospital has been obtained by a private TV channel.

The details of the report:

A telephone call was received by the Apollo Hospital at 10.00 PM from the residence of Jayalalithaa (Poes gardens) on 22nd September 2016.

Immediately the ambulance from the hospital started at 10.01 PM. It reached Poes gardens by 10.06 PM. A 3-member medical team immediately went to the 1st Floor. They tried to wake up the CM who seemed to have fainted. Though the body moved, there was no response otherwise.

Later, the CM was admitted in the ICU ward. The blood pressure, which should be 120/80 normally, had shot up to 140/70. The heartbeat, normally 72 pulses, was 80. The sugar level had also increased considerably.Instead of the average healthy expected sugar level of 120 mg, had far exceeded for the CM and was 508 mg -  quite serious.

It was understood that the CM had been affected with fever and lung infection even 3 days before being admitted to the hospital.

Because of the infection in the lungs, the oxygen level which should normally be 100%, was only 45%, for the CM, which was quite serious.

Though there have been several guesses/observations about the exact series of events that happened at the CM’s residence before the CM’s admission to the Apollo, as per the medical report, there were no wounds or scars observed on the CM’s body.

The report states about the increase in sugar level, blood pressure, thyroid and Pneumonia complaints at the time of admission to the Apollo hospital.