Northeast Monsoon continues to remain vigorous over the state of Tamil Nadu that has already been facing heavy showers from almost past one week. In the last 24 hours also, moderate to heavy rains have lashed several parts of the state and the worst affected areas were the coastal districts of the state including the capital city Chennai.
In the span of 24 hours from 08:30 am as on Sunday, Parangipettai recorded very hefty three-digit rains of 106 mm, Karaikal 57 mm, Cuddalore 42 mm, Coimbatore 27 mm, Pamban 16 mm and Kodaikanal witnessed 10 mm of rains. The capital city Chennai that has been witnessing flooding showers have finally seen a relief and had recorded 13 mm of rains.
As per Skymet Weather, a trough is low is persisting over the Southwest Bay of Bengal and South Tamil Nadu Coast. A cyclonic circulation is also persisting near Sri Lanka. Moreover, another cyclonic circulation can also be marked over Lakshadweep area.
Due to the combined effect of all these weather systems, heavy rains occurred over the coastal districts of the state. Further such torrential showers are expected to continue lashing the state for at least another 24 hours.
Thereafter, the intensity of these rains is anticipated to gradually reduce as the trough of low and the cyclonic circulation is likely to shift further south. After November 7, the rain intensity is likely to reduce gradually though on and off light to very light rains are expected to continue showing up.