The deadline for the special concessional scheme under offer for the candidates who failed to renew their seniority data in the Employment Exchange Registration is extended until 21st November.
So far, 1.25 Lakh individuals have renewed their Employment Exchange Registration.
The Tamil Nadu state government had come up with the above special concessional offer for those who had failed to renew their employment exchange in the period from 1st January 2011 till 31st December 2015.
Availing this offer, a large number of individuals who failed to renew their employment exchange registration have now approached the district employment exchange offices and special employment exchange offices to renew their seniority.
A higher official from the department of employment opportunities and training informed that 1.25 Lakh individuals have availed this concessional offer to renew their employment exchange registration.
As already announced, this special concessional offer to renew the employment exchange registration expires on 21st November. The interested candidates can also personally visit the concerned employment exchanges and renew their seniority.
The officials of the Department of Employment Opportunities and Training have earnestly requested all the concerned candidates to avail this rare opportunity to renew their seniority in the employment exchanges.