Kumari Palany & Co

Public education system needs revamping, say reports

Posted on: 18/Nov/2017 7:16:39 PM
A few important challenges of quality education are deeply addressed in the World Development Report, 2018. Among the issues dealt in the report is providing private education. It is absolutely necessary to discuss about the global trend of increasing private school enrolment.
Owing to poo performance of education systems in a lot of countries, families are taking a slew towards private schools, as they trust them in quality of education – India is no exception too!
On the other hand, there are a few researches that claim that students hailing from similar family backgrounds and studying in public and private schools showed similar educational outcomes. As private schools admit students from families that are comparatively advantaged in terms of their economy, they look better in terms of performance. The World Bank challenges the commonly prevailing perception that private schools perform better and have better learning outcomes as compared to public schools. In fact, in India, there are over 1.27 million untrained teachers in India of which 9,25,000 are in private institutes, thus indicating substantial negligence in quality of education. If we need to provide justifying quality of education, it is important to thoroughly monitor and abide by quality standards and work against the negative views and reviews.
The report further warns that these private schools function with the aim of profit, and it can easily lead to misleading choices that deviate from student interest. In a few instances, it is possible to obtain positive learning outcomes with lower input given, but for this, the teachers’ salary is lowered.