Kumari Palany & Co

+2 Supplementary exams results today (5th Dec)

Posted on: 05/Dec/2017 12:41:53 PM
The results of the revaluation of the marks in the +2 supplementary examinations are scheduled to be released today (Tuesday, 5th December).

In this regard, the announcement from the State government examination Board informs that the revaluation of answer-sheets for the candidates who have applied for the same of the +2 supplementary examinations conducted in September-October will be released on the website www.tndge.in after 3.00 PM on today (Tuesday, 5th December) on the net. The list of the candidates whose answer papers were revaluated can be seen on this site.

Further, the candidates who have now got the revaluated mark details can get their temporary mark sheets by visiting the website www.dge.tn.nic.in and enter their registration number and the date of birth and download the same.

The date of release of the original revaluated mark-sheets will be announced later.