Kumari Palany & Co

Housing department extends clemency scheme

Posted on: 23/Dec/2017 12:39:48 PM
The clemency scheme has got extended by the housing department. It initially received very dull patronage from all the building owners.

The 113-C scheme was announced for relaxing all the buildings that were built before 1st July 2007. There were lesser than a hundred applications out of the total 5 lakh unauthorized buildings in the state. Of the total number of 100 applications, 36 of them are received, and the Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority is processing the same. On 21st December, the scheme has got ended. With the new order, the scheme is set to get extended for 3 months. This shall get published in the gazette, as per a recent statement by a housing department official.

However, in the new order, the main reason for the unpopularity of the scheme including very high fees and penalty quoted for availing authorization certificate are not addressed. There is no way in which the extension would meet the cause. The penalty would continue to be the same too.

When there is reduction in fees amount by the government, many would come forward with application, said the Secretary of Builders Association of India, S. Ram Prabhu. Amidst these, the buildings that have violated rules shall be sent out with lock and seal notices. The department will be sending out notices so as to entice building owners to apply. With this, a lot of these building owners shall save themselves from the implications.

One of the housing department officials said notices shall be given in the next 3 months. All the unauthorized buildings will be subjected to lock and seal actions after three months, he added.