Kumari Palany & Co

LPG Truckers Strikes on tomorrow

Posted on: 20/Dec/2012 12:43:17 PM
The LPG truckers in the south india situated in the Namakkal starts their strike tomorrow.The I.O.C, B.P.C, H.P.C were contracted with the south Indian sides. The subsidy given by the I.O.C & B.P.C is not enough for the truck drivers whereas the association of Truck drivers summoned a petition top the respected companies. But the companies refused  to pay the desired amount. So that from today onwards 4,500 trucks filled with the LPG cylinders wont be transported to any other places of  States also .

Tamilnadu,karnataka,kerala, Pondicherry and many other important states may be affected by the deficiency of gas by the strike proposal.the noted officials are to be spoken to the truck drivers and their problems are to be rectified.