Kumari Palany & Co

Delayed Smart city pending projects to start by 31st March

Posted on: 09/Jan/2018 10:22:03 AM
At the recently held meeting in Chennai Metrowater headquarters in Chinthadripet, Chennai, minister for administration and water supplies Mr. SP. Velumani spoke about the need to start the delayed pending proposals under the smart city projects by 31st March. It must be noted that the minister Velumani also spoke about the AMRUT or Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation proposals.

It is now brought out that clearance has been received from the centre by 12 municipal corporations and this was mainly to execute 173 proposals of amount worth Rs 13,425.65 crores. It is now said that three proposals of amount worth Rs 3.65 crores have been completed already and work for 14 proposals are going on. These four proposals are worth of RS 491.97 crores.

The news is tenders would be called for 37 proposals of Rs 1795.92 crores and for remaining 19 proposals worth of amount as much as Rs 11134.12 crores Detailed Project Reports are going on.

The minister for administration and water supplies Mr. Velumani ordered local body officials in the meeting that the bids for proposals nearing tendering must be invited by 31st of January 2018 and those projects whose Detailed project reports or DPR are being made, 31st of March has been given as deadline for tenders. It is worthy to mention that drinking water, sewerage scheme, road and storm water drains would be given the first priority.

For the 33 cities present in the state of Tamil Nadu the centre has sanctioned projects of Rs 11,489 crores and this was under the AMRUT scheme.

It is now revealed that out of 428 projects under AMRUT scheme 83 park maintenance projects of amount worth as much as Rs 44.92 crores have been completed successfully and other projects would be completed soon. It is known that 150 MLD desalination project at Nemmeli was proposed earlier and now the government is reviewing the cost estimate of this desalination project.