Kumari Palany & Co

Greenwood High becomes the only school in India to receive a ‘Gold’ rating for its green building initiatives

Posted on: 11/Jan/2018 11:37:00 AM
Greenwood High, a reputed Day cum Residential International School in Bangalore becomes the only school in the country to be awarded ‘IGBC’s LEED INDIA GOLD’ rating for its Sarjapur Campus recently along with a score of 66 points for successfully achieving the green building standards required for certification under IGBC’s LEED (Indian Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environment Design).  

The LEED 2011 for India NC rating system has 8 Prerequisites, all of which were met by Greenwood High such as Construction Activity Pollution Prevention, Water Use Reduction, Fundamental Commissioning of Building energy systems, Minimum Energy Performance, Fundamental Refrigerant Management, Storage and collection of Recyclables, Minimum Indoor Environmental Quality performance and Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) Control.

Greenwood High has adopted a number of innovative eco-friendly practices at its campus such as whole of the roof area is covered with high SRI (Solar Reflective Index) paint finish material to minimize heat island effect so as to reduce negative impact on micro-climate. They have also installed a sewage treatment plant to treat the entire waste water generated and the treated water is re-used for flushing and landscaping. They even set up building envelopes through high performance glazing, optimized wall and roof sections which has considerably reduced the air-conditioning load in the project.

Speaking on this achievement, Ms. Niru Agarwal, Trustee, Greenwood High International School said, “We are immensely proud on being bestowed with this honor. With the amount of damage that is caused to Nature every day, protecting our environment for survival is the need of the hour. We, at Greenwood High, try each day to take small initiatives on this regard and would continue doing so in days to come”