Bangalore is said to be one of the most developed city in the southern Indian region which is situated in Karnataka. Whereas the major incident of 2012 saw several gruesome cases of rape and assault on women, and abuse of children. Some more high profile than the other, they shocked the city — be it the alleged abuse of a three-and-a-half-year-old by her father (a French embassy official) or the alleged rape of a young law student on the Jnanabharati campus.
The major protests are held at Delhi for the 23yr old Physiotherapy student. In Bangalore a minor girl was raped by 27 yr old Provision Store owner. Child Welfare Committee chairperson Meena K. Jain said that many such incidents are going unreported due to lack of adequate awareness and fear and she added that a rising statistic, which is cause for alarm, is the number of crimes against women. In 2011, Bangalore moved up from position three to position two among cities that rank high for crimes against women: it city recorded 1,890 crimes against women in 2011, compared to 1,570 in 2010. In the same year, Bangalore ranked number four in rape cases at 3.8 per cent.