Kumari Palany & Co

Today Tsunamis Memorial Day

Posted on: 26/Dec/2012 12:55:05 PM
In 2004 there was an extraordinary calamity which occurs throughout the world whereas today the day of that day is celebrated as Tsunami Remembrance Day the scars of the disaster are still remains in the heart of the affected people. Indonesia`s Sumatra Island on 26 December 2004, the same day the powerful earthquake. The earthquake registered 9.1 on the Richter scale caused by the tsunami. By the tsunami in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, and a total of 14 countries, including Thailand more than two million people died. By the tsunami, the Indonesian island are disintegrated which are main causes. There, about, more than a million people died .

12 thousand people killed by the tsunami: about 30 meters altitude above the wake of the tsunami, only 12 of the more than a thousand people died in India.areas situated near coastal plains are severely affected there are upto 418 coastal areas were affected in this calamity. About 8 yrs later today the Tsunami Memorial day is been as a tearful remembrance for the chennaities.