Kumari Palany & Co

Right Attitude to handle Examinations for Students and Parents

Posted on: 05/Mar/2018 5:01:07 PM
Examinations are almost losing the real sense of the term, as it doesn’t examine a person’s ability to do something wonderful, but just a criteria to write everything that was mugged up all through the year for obtaining a graduation seat in the so called best colleges of the country. Stress is almost an alternative word for adolescent’s educational life; it never looks through the talent or skill inside the individual students. It keeps all the subjectivity on a single objectivity called Examination. The very idea of Education is to enhance a person’s quality in attitude and behavior to bring excellence in his own way of life. But the modern times sees that as only a form of requirement to grab a career with a lump salary.

The academic final exams are on a full swing all over the country and so the understanding of what is an exam and how it should be handled are a must factor, not only for Students but also for Parents.

Students Mindset

The Educational structure of India is on a verge of literal announcement that it is nothing but an opening door for the corporates to grab some lakhs of brilliant minds and train them to do their business operations, making them a mere tool. This form of education will really change the mind set if the youngsters that education is a way of employment.

Education is to nurture the mind and gaining knowledge to apply in life to attain the ultimate wisdom. Ultimate wisdom is the purpose of any education through which an individual can know his own purpose and work hard for the responsibility he is entitled to. But the modern education entirely destroys this subjective nature. It sees every creative mind as equals which itself not a smart thing to do.

So understanding the system and the way it works are very essential for the students and parents, to view the scenario from an entirely different perspective. This can lead to decide a better way of life for students and Parents will just have to support the ideals of their children, not to force them to do something that they doesn’t wish for.

Freedom from the Home

Parents should understand the fact that each life on earth is entirely different from one another, in any aspects of physical, mental and spiritual containment.

Allow the Children to understand that it is very normal to be less strong in certain subjects they prepare for examinations. This may really help them in reducing the anxiety during the exam period.

Make the Children trust that they have a big moral support from their parents, especially in the times of examinations.

Relaxation Techniques

Teach them some relaxation techniques like Meditation, Deep Breathing or some form of Yoga and Exercise to make them relaxed physically and mentally. This will directly affect their ability to remember what they studies all through the year. Don’t see that as a form of time waste, it is an investment to your children’s well-being.

Comparison, a Worst thing to do to a Child

Never compare your own Children with anyone, directly or indirectly about the ability to get more arks in exams. Times have shown in many ways that academics will never affect a person’s development in both personal and career endeavors.

Clarity in the minds of Students

The most essential factor for any student is the Clarity about the life as a whole. An exam is just a little thing to cross over on a big ocean of unlimited possibilities of Life. So never get anxious or worried about examinations. Reading outside academics, Literature and other form of writings will show you the endless possibility of life. It will relax your mind and in turn helps in clearing all your exams effortlessly and move on to the next beautiful phase of life to enjoy all the world’s gift.