Women’s Day is a World Wide celebratory day to glorify the Social, Cultural and Political excellence, trying hard to retain their rights in every aspects of life. A paradigm shift of the history projected Women in a very compromising light throughout the development of modern science and technology. In every corners of the world Women struggled a lot to acquire their basic rights and to raise themselves as an equal being among the male dominant environment.
International Women’s Day was first celebrated in the year 1909 dated on 28th of February. This day was considered to be sort of remembrance about the equality of Women and to maintain the same in all endeavors of the World events and development. Later United Nations Organization (UNO) in 1975 officially announced March 8 as International Women’s Day.
Gender Equality and Global Celebration of Women Achievements are the main themes of International Women’s Day (IWD). This auspicious day do not belong to any form of Organizations or Public and Private groups but it is a kind of constant reminder of Gender Parity and a Feminist approach in growing reflections of the socio-political standards.
Purple is the color of Feminism representing the Justice and Dignity for Women. Yellow represents the progressive contemporary developments in feminism. Together purple and yellow symbolizes the women’s equality and progressive growth in all terms of international considerations and new conceptualizations.
The Celebrations on the IWD in all regions of the world will incorporate activities that confirm the Women Rights and Emancipation. Rallies, Political Conferences and Networking events connecting Women from many sectors of the society ranging from Economical division, Religion, Caste and Working groups, to make sure all the Women from different socio-economic status gets equal opportunity to select their own call without any dominance. Many Private and Public Organizations conducts events on IWD to ensure their approach in Feminism and nodding for Women’s Equality in all aspects.