Kumari Palany & Co

Soon for every five minutes there would be a metro train in Chennai

Posted on: 22/Mar/2018 9:55:50 AM
The people living in Chennai would certainly feel delighted with this superb piece of news. It is now revealed that in few weeks when Chennai Central Metro Rail Station starts functioning, the passengers would have access to Metro trains for every 5 minutes. Sensational isn’t it!!

Travelling from Chennai Central to the airport in just 45 minutes would be possible and for this distance of 25 kms the people must pay Rs 70 as fare.

It must be noted that at present 22000 to 25000 people use metro rail everyday to reach their places of destination. To make more people use this metro rail, CMRL or Chennai Metro Rail Limited has now decided to increase the frequency to every 5 minutes in the peak hours that is between 8:30 am to 10:30 am and then from 5pm to 8:30 pm daily.

The commuters would also be able to get metro rail every 7.5 minutes during the non-peak hours that is 6am to 8:30 am and then from 10:30 am to 5 pm and from 8:30 pm to 10pm daily.

According to an official belonging to metro rail, Chennai Central is a major transport hub with many people travelling to main railway station or suburban station. The official spoke about the reason behind increasing the frequency as more people were expected to travel from Chennai Central to airport.

He also hinted that in future if more people travel then frequency would be increased to 2.5 minutes also. It is known that presently the metro trains run for a distance of 27 kms on three stretches.