The new updates from the Telecom Giant, Airtel announced the new plan of Rs. 2199 per month scheme that provides 1200GB of data in its broadband model. This plan works under the special V-fiber Broadband Model providing high-speed internet of high data usage. The mobile data connectivity works in the speed range of 300 Mbps. The offer includes free local and STD calls, 1000GB bonus data, Internet data rollover facility and Amazon Prime Subscription for one year.
Airtel’s new broadband plan comes under the fiber to home category of internet services and is available in all major cities of India like Mumbai, Chennai, Delhi and Kolkata.
Airtel’s new FTTH based plan is launched for the purpose of high speed internet data to its customers, also enables the thorough access of Airtel based Apps like Wynk Music and Airtel TV.
The Airtel extended the plan in which the customers can enjoy the bonus 1000 GB data till October 31, 2018. Initially it had a deadline of March 31 after the launch that commenced last year in the month of May. However the response was huge from the customers that based the Airtel’s decision to re-plan strategically to improve the rate of new customers.
Procedures to activate this plan:
- Go to the link: page.
- Choose your plan of broadband schemes.
- Enter the details of your current address, identity and contact information.
- After submitting the details the activation of your broadband plan will be started.
- Then the bonus data will be added on to your account after seven days of your broadband activation.
There are many updates about the Airtel’s tough competitor, Reliance Jio regarding the entry into the fiber communication of Data providing services. JioFiber is in the process of infrastructural building and testing zone of Fiber Optical technology that provides high speed data.