Kumari Palany & Co

These are the home remedies by which we can treat heat stroke affected persons

Posted on: 19/Apr/2018 9:55:33 AM
We are in the month of April and the summer has started. In the coming months the summer would be at its peak is known.

Heat strokes are common in the peak summer time and enough care must be taken so that we don’t get affected by this heat stroke.

The scorching effect of sun could lead to more sweating and more exhaustion. Dehydration often occurs as the water is lost from our body. The heat stroke does not spare even the healthy people and they also get affected by it during summer.

The persons affected by heat stroke have many symptoms like more heart rate, headache plus others like dizziness, sweating, vomiting etc.

These below mentioned home remedies for heat stroke are very important.

Onion juice for heat stroke - Apart from its cooking use, onion plays huge role in treating heat stroke affected persons. By applying this onion juice behind the ears or on the chest of affected persons their body temperatures could be lowered.

Consume electrolytes more - This is also an important home based remedy to treat heat stroke persons. Our body loses electrolytes when we sweat more. By consuming electrolytes the issue could be solved. Mix baking soda with water and add sea salt or fruit juice to it and consume this mixture regularly to get relieved from heat stroke issue.

Mint leaves and coriander leaves juice consumption - When juices of these leaves are consumed our body temperature is brought down. First extract juice from mint and coriander leaves and add sugar to it. Consume this juice to get relieved from heat stroke.

Consume aloe vera juice - It is said that minerals plus vitamins in aloe vera juice gives our body adaptogens. Stabilization of our system is got by these adaptogens. Another way to reduce body temperatures in us is by applying aloe vera gel.

Consume tamarind juice - More sweating leads to electrolytes loss in us. Our body gets replenished with nutrients and electrolytes when we consume this juice. Boil tamarind first and then add sugar and honey to it. Consume this mixture to get superb relief from heat stroke.