Kumari Palany & Co

Intensity of heat likely to be higher in the next 2 days

Posted on: 30/Apr/2018 1:00:08 PM
The intensity of heat will be higher in the next 2 days in 4 districts of Tamil Nadu including Trichy and Salem.

The officials of the Chennai Meteorological Centre explained in this regard:

Scorching heat has been prevailing in the states of Andhra, Telangana, and Karnataka. A maximum temperature of 111 Degrees Fahrenheit has been recorded at Adilabad, Telangana state. As a result, hot winds from these states are blowing towards the state of Tamil Nadu.

Because of this, there are strong prospects that the temperature may shoot up to 105.8 Degrees Celsius in 4 districts of Tamil Nadu – Vellore, Dharmapuri, Trichy, and Salem.