Kumari Palany & Co

Do you want more business? Visit us witness the leading global refferal network

Posted on: 04/May/2018 11:45:11 AM
Are u business owner? Can u handle more business? Attend as a visitor at BNI Azpire global chapter business meet.

BNI is a business & professional networking organisation whose primary purpose is to exchange qualified business referrals. Because every single company out there wants more referrals. BNI can help get them. What goes around comes around. If i help you, you will help me & we will both benefit as a result. What makes BNI unique is that it allows only one person per profession to join a chapter. Once you have joined, none of your competitors can participate.

Meeting fee: Rs 800 per person (To be paid at the venue)

7.00 - 7.15 AM -  Registration
7.15 - 7.45 AM - Networking
7.45 - 9.30 AM - Structured meeting
9.30 - 10 AM - Breakfast

Date: May 8th, 2018

The PARK, Chennai

To know more contact: Praveen - +91 97903 88452