Tamil Nadu will not have additional MBBS seats this year in the existing colleges and also no new medical colleges were added to the current year’s admission list. The number of seats will be retained the same as like the previous year admissions.
The non-addition of new colleges and seats creating a negative buzz around the students and parents in Tamil Nadu especially after the chaos created by NEET exams in the state last year. Keeping the NEET in mind students prepared beforehand and wrote the entrance tests will all the hardships like Exam center location and NEET syllabus partiality in the southern parts. This year Students who wrote NEET exams are eagerly waiting for the total marks along with the board exam results, exceeding 25,000 in number more than last year.
This increase in Medical aspirants will surely lead to an imbalance in the total admissions of the MBBS course, as there is no further increase in number of seats or colleges. So the entry will be very tough than one can imagine, average will rise up to 5 points in the cutoff marks for grabbing a medical seat.
Students all over from Tamil Nadu were on an alert zone after the 2017 NEET issues happened in the state. So the hard work and financial expenditures in terms of NEET and Board Exam preparation were at the peak in 2018. But sadly the imbalance in the admissions due to non-addition of colleges or seats will burn out the wings of some medical aspiring students.
Christian Medical Colleges (CMC) of Vellore has gone up to the decision of surrendering the entire medical seats to the state government for this year’s admissions. The great consolation is that the only college that stopped the admission last year raising a positive voice against NEET is CMC Institution. The College also opposed the revision of the rules that states the mandatory implications of all admissions done by state government through selection Committee of Directorate of Medical Education.
State selection committee secretary, G Selvarajan conducted a meeting will all private institutions’ administrations about submitting 35% to 50% seats for the state quota. The meeting didn’t have any opposition or resentment said the State selection committee senior official.
2900 Seats of the 21 Government Colleges and 150 seats of the state-governed Rajah Muthiah College; 1450 seats from 12 self-financing colleges. Among these total the State government will surrender 15% of seats to the Centre for admission under All India Quota through directorate general of health services.