Hostels in rented buildings for Backward, Most Backward and Denotified Tribes will now be given own buildings according to a Government of Tamil Nadu press release. A budget of Rs. 50 crores has been set aside to provide better facilities to the students, that will include solar photo voltaic plants provided by Tamil Nadu Renewable Energy Corporation.
The phased initiative has been divided as followed. For hostels that host students from Backward communities: 8 hostels housing 100 students and 20 hostels for 50 students. For Most Backward community hostels: 6 hostels for 100 students and 15 hostels for 50 students. For Denotified Tribes: 1 for 100 students and 3 housing 50 students. In addition to this, the amount will also cover 3 hostels of 50 students each belonging to minority communities.