Kumari Palany & Co

City transport system to be similar to London’s

Posted on: 29/Jan/2013 4:44:23 PM
The CMDA organized a seminar on ‘Envisioning the comprehensive transport plan for Chennai Metropolitan Area’ last week in which speakers and officials explored ways to integrate the public transport system in the city.

The CUMTA (Chennai Unified Metropolitan Transport Authority) which has been taking pointers from the systems in Washington, London and Singapore has been formed to create a unified transport system, preferably similar to the one in London.

Mr. Ben Plowden, Director of Planning, Transport for London, who was also a speaker here said, ‘The city (Chennai) has technical skills, strong political leadership and all modes of transport are present, besides the CUMTA that has been formed to integrate all modes. Until 2000, various modes of transport were being run by different agencies (in London) and were brought under one institution — Transport for London — within a short time and it is now successful.’