Kumari Palany & Co

By these ways we could avoid sleeping after eating lunch

Posted on: 28/Jul/2018 10:12:27 AM
Imagine a situation where after consuming lunch we are in an important meeting with the boss. We feel sleepy and unable to focus well. This is a very common issue and most of us would have this issue of sleeping after lunch. After eating delicious food we feel tired and sleepy. As a result of this we could end up losing our concentration etc. It is said that what we eat in lunch is the main reason for this sleeping.

There are few ways by which we could avoid sleep after consuming lunch. These are

By sleeping adequately in night:

This is one major method to avoid sleeping after taking lunch. By having sound sleep at the night time we would not feel sleepy in the day time. Sleep and wake up at a particular time and by doing this our body would come to proper routine.

Consume iron, complex carbohydrates etc:

It is said that by eating iron, complex carbohydrates etc we would not feel sleepy. Iron provides hemoglobin and all the body parts would get proper oxygen. Superb energy is got. By consuming complex carbohydrates our body parts would get good quantities of glucose.

Avoid over eating:

After consuming lunch we get sleep and it might be due to over eating also. So please avoid this and eat in limit only. After over eating we feel out of energy.

Just walk for 15 minutes after lunch:

This is the best way to avoid sleeping after having lunch. By walking for 15 minutes or so the food gets digested easily and would provide energy to the body.

By drinking water:

By drinking water we feel hydrated and water is provided to every part of our body. This also reduces sleep after consuming lunch as the feeling of tiredness is decreased.