Former chief minister of Tamil Nadu, Kalaignar M. Karunanidhi passed away yesterday, 7th of August 2018, due to illness is known. This had made Tamil film industry very sad as it had lost one of the greatest sons. It must not be forgotten that Kalaignar Karunanidhi began his career as a script writer in the Tamil film industry. In the year 1947 the film titled ‘Rajakumari’ directed by Sami hit the screens. The film had MGR as the hero and the story was written by Karunanidhi for the first time. The film was a great success at the box office is known.
The news that has come out is cinema theatres across TN had cancelled the shows from Tuesday evening and for whole of Wednesday as a mark of respect for Karunanidhi who had passed away.
According to SIFAA or South Indian Film Artistes’ Association, Karunanidhi began his career as a script writer and his writings remain unparalleled in the Tamil film industry even now. His dialogues are equally famous due to the heroes delivering those efficiently. SIFAA also stated that kalaignar Karunanidhi gave full support for the Tamil film industry to thrive and his passing is a huge loss for the industry.
Top actors like Rajnikanth and Kamal Hassan expressed their thoughts regarding passing away of Karunanidhi. Actor Rajnikanth spoke about how the day was a black day due to passing away of kalaignar Karunanidhi. He also tweeted about kalaignar Karunanidhi’s soul to rest in peace. Actor Kamal Hassan cancelled his programmes in Delhi and rushed back to Chennai city on hearing the news of Karunanidhi passing away.
Tamil film industry’s leading lyricist Mr. Vairamuthu shared many unforgettable moments in the past with kalaignar Karunanidhi is well known. According to Vairamuthu, kalaignar was a scholar, who was also a warrior and vice-versa. He praised kalaignar for keeping the Dravidian principles aloft for a period of 80 years. Mr. Vairamuthu further spoke about how kalaignar did not go to school but he created many universities. He then threw light on the fact that Karunanidhi came from a small village but ended up selecting many prime ministers and presidents for India.