Working women is a tag that not only categorize women working outside of their houses in small, medium and big corporations but also those who work for the welfare of their own houses in terms of financial, food preparations, household activities and also governing children. So in general any women working throughout the day and do not have sufficient time for fitness and health maintenance can get some useful tips from the below points.
Most of the fitness goals aims on losing weight and the traditional approach of low intake of calories and heavy workout are followed by majority of women. But the method of low calorie diet is losing its importance nowadays as a result of wide range of studies on human physiology, Heavy workouts and starving will never lead you to the path of fitness says the researchers.
Here we list out some of the basic fitness tops for working women to incorporate in their lives to get fit and stay healthy forever.
First meal of the day is important
It is not about the time but the quality of food determines the energy for the whole day. The first meal of the day most probably breakfast should always be light and easy to digest. There is a direct connection between the sun’s rotation and digestive system of human beings. Morning times are the zone in which sun’s intensity is low and so easting semi solid foods rich in nutrients such as fruit juices, whole fruits, fiber and vitamin rich foods are good choices. When the sun is up dazzling on top of head in the afternoon one can have heavy meals with lots of proteins and carbs. Towards the sun set avoid heavy that are hard to digest and opt for steamed foods during the night time.
Healthy Snacking
Snacks destroys the goal of weight loss irrespective of the caloric intake as it keeps the blood glucose levels always higher than the normal avoiding the natural fat burn. So avoid snacking when you aim for losing some extra kilos from your body. Go for healthy snacks to replace craving sugary snacks and unhealthy foods. Millets, salads and fruit juices comes in handy when you are hungry before primary meals. Always eat only when you are really hungry. This alone will remove most of the diseases from our body.
Exercise regime
Lymph system is one of the crucial elements of the body that carries impurities and wastes for elimination. This system do not have a pumping mechanism list heart that pumps blood all over the body. Movement is the only source of energy for the proper working of lymph system. So always have any kind of exercise pattern such as walking, going to a gym, yoga or any other physical activities to boost your lymph nodes. This can detoxify the body eliminating the wastes and regenerating new cells for a healthy operation of organs.
Food choices
Clean food is the one word for a healthy vibrating body that keeps away sources such as junk foods, chocolates, cookies and packaged preserved foods. Stay close to the nature by eating raw at least 50 percent and cook our own food to heal your body inside out.