Recent reports confirmed the Sholinganallur Assembly constituency with the highest number of voter population influx in the last seven years of Tamil Nadu. A draft electoral list has been updated officially by the governmental electoral body on September 1 denoting the total rise of 6.07 lakh more voters added to the area against 3.4 lakh in the 2011 assembly elections.
The big difference between the two counting clearly implies the heavy migration taking place constantly in the area owing to IT industries. Flourishing small and medium scale business centers are the main reason for the resettlement of huge population. The latest report of the updated voter list confirmed the Sholinganallur as the most densely populated places in Tamil Nadu.
The constituency covers Perungudi and Sholinganallur localities and also the zones of seven village panchayats in the St Thomas Mount block. The government’s allocation of housing board facility in these areas transforming large number of people from the main city is considered as another important reason for the dense population. The migration takes place in the name of slum clearance that clearly destroys the livelihood of the native people in the core city. Placing them in this part of land, mainly around Ezhil Nagar (Kannagi Nagar), Semmanjeri and Perumbakkam brings an imbalance in the uniform distribution of people in Chennai.
The native people settled in these areas travel all the way to the city for their old livelihood leading to more dense traffic in these areas. Also the core IT markups and educational institutions adds to the upward spiral of the population. Kannagi Nagar slum resettlement was praised to be one of the biggest slum clearance project of South East Asia but the entire idea miserably failed owing to livelihoods of the native people, poor transport and compromising educational facilities.
The large scale migration reduced the population in some of the core areas of the city facilitating some sections of the society leading to the population imbalance that back fired now in the particular zone. Rampant construction of buildings by big corporations is one of the key reasons for the population rise alongside the Rajiv Gandhi Road (OMR).