Kumari Palany & Co

Supply of kerosene to be stopped for customers with 1 LPG cooking gas cylinder

Posted on: 01/Oct/2018 2:33:01 PM
Supply of kerosene will be stopped for the customers with only 1 LPG cooking gas cylinder from this month (October).

Kerosene is sold at Rs. 13.70 per litre in the ration shops. The customers with 2 LPG cooking gas cylinders are not given any kerosene.

The customers with 1 cylinder are given 2 litres of kerosene. The customers without any LPG cooking gas cylinders are given 6 litres of kerosene in the corporation domains and 4 litres in the urban administration system.

As approved by the central government, the public sector oil corporations allot the quota for the state of Tamil Nadu. 10 years ago, this quota was 64%. However, in a gradual reduction, presently, it is only 39%.

As such, the supply of kerosene for 1 LPG cooking gas cylinder holders is being stopped from this month.

In this regard, the ration shop staff shared that as the allotted quota has not been given, kerosene is given only on a nominal basis. Now, without any prior information, the supply of kerosene has been stopped for the 1-cylinder holders. This would lead to protests and arguments from the customers who come hopefully to buy kerosene.