Kumari Palany & Co

The issue of Encumbrance Certificate from e-service centres

Posted on: 23/Oct/2018 12:36:17 PM
The Electronic Corporation of Tamil Nadu (ELCOT) has announced that the new facility to issue Encumbrance Certificates regarding properties has been introduced in the e-service centres. ELCOT has been offering through the Tamil Nadu Arasu Cable TV Corporation Limited to facilitate the issue of 207 various services/documents related to the central/state governments such as birth certificates, registration for Aadhar cards, electricity bill payment, and printing of colour voter IDs, etc.

Recently, the facility of the issue of encumbrance certificate related to properties is set to be added to the above services from e-service centres.

TNeGA (Tamil Nadu e-Governance Agency) officials explained regarding this development that presently, lots of services are being currently provided in the Tamil Nadu Government e-service centres.

Subsequent to the commencement of online service introduced in the Property Registration in the Registrar Offices, the facility to issue the ‘Encumbrance Certificate’ related to property ownership is also being set up. This would be introduced shortly.