Kumari Palany & Co

These micronutrients rich foods could help us to lose excess weight

Posted on: 24/Oct/2018 10:13:43 AM
Our body needs some nutrients in small amounts and these are known as micronutrients. Few examples of micronutrients are vitamins, minerals etc. It is said that deficiency of micronutrients could impair our health. These micronutrients are beneficial to us if we want to lose our weights because they are non-fattening. Energy to our body is not supplied by micronutrients and they do not have any calories. Losing excess weights has been an issue for many these days and people try various ways to lose weights. Micronutrient rich foods could play an important role in weight reduction in us.

These foods rich in micronutrients could help in weight loss in us

Avocado intake:

This avocado is one important food that is full of micronutrients and it could help us in losing excess weight. This avocado has mono-saturated fat plus protein, carbohydrates etc. Fibres are present in high amounts and there are also many antioxidants, vitamins like C, E and B6 in avocado. These play role in effective conversion of food to energy.

Hemp seeds intake:

Present mostly in northern hemisphere, hemp is a variety of plant species belonging to cannabis sativa. The seeds of hemp are superb sources of proteins. Branched chain amino acids are present in hemp seeds is known. Omega -3 fatty acids are supplied by hemp seeds in the form of alpha- linolenic acid. This could be converted to longer chain omega-3’s EPA and DHA. In any plant based diet hemp seeds are perfect food.

Fruits, vegetables intake:

Fat content is low in fresh fruits and in green leafy vegetables. These are highly nutritious plus they add flavour and variety to diet. These could be added to the soups, salads etc and consumed by us to reduce excess weight.

Lentils intake:

Beans, chick peas are few examples of lentils. It is necessary to consume lentils as they provide many benefits to us like weight loss etc. Bone density could be built by intake of lentils. Lentil is an annual plant having lens shaped seeds in them. High potassium is present in cooked lentils and this helps in controlling BP and blood sugar.