Kumari Palany & Co

AAI to set up new traffic control towers at airports

Posted on: 24/Oct/2018 11:23:01 AM
As a move to aid landings and flight take off at airports functional in small cities, the Airports Authority of India is eyeing on constructing extra air traffic control towers in the Chennai airport. This shall serve as a virtual air traffic control facility.

In Bengaluru and Hyderabad as well, similar facilities are likely to be set up. To note, the AAI had officially made an announcement about constructing tower in the airport of Kolkata.

As per the Chennai Flight Information Region, an area of about 1,600km is covered. This includes the southern regions, and oceanic area up to Port Blair. The newly proposed tower shall provide more space and also manpower covering the entire area. And this shall have betterments including harmonization of the upper airspace so as to facilitate all the intercontinental aircrafts that fly above 25000 feet, automation in traffic control, etc.

According to a senior official from the AAI, this tower shall function as a backup or standby. Compared to the existing ones, this shall have smaller facilities. There will also be virtual air traffic control (also called remote air traffic control) in few other cities.

In case of breakdown, there are standby available with the towers functional at present. However, this new one will have about 100 percent standby. When something goes wrong, this virtual tower to be erected in the new complex will serve as a 100 percent standby.

As of now, the idea is just in its early stages. Upon completing the taxiway straightening works that are currently being carried out, the works related to erecting towers shall be performed.