Kumari Palany & Co

Salary increase - new concession introduced by the state government

Posted on: 29/Nov/2018 11:34:42 AM
The state government of Tamil Nadu has ordered that in case a wage revision is announced on the next day after the state government employee retirement, this increase would be applicable for such category of employees – who retired just a day before the announcement of salary increase.

Until now, the category of the above employees could not avail the benefit of the wage revision as they had retired just a day before the concerned announcement.

The state government of Tamil Nadu duly considered this grievance and hence ordered that in the above case, the wage revision would also be applicable for the employees who retired just 1 day before the revision order.

In a similar trend, the state government has also announced that in case a wage revision is announced 3 months before the employee`s due retirement day, the concerned person would still be eligible to avail this benefit.