Kumari Palany & Co

Facility to draw cash from ATMs through Cheques

Posted on: 29/Nov/2018 3:54:18 PM
Henceforth, the facility to draw cash from ATMs by presenting cheques will be made available. This has been announced by NCR Corporation which manufactures ATMs.

The new ATMs with this facility have been installed in 2 places recently – Gurugram on the Haryana State border and Bengaluru, the Karnataka state capital.

These new ATMs will be installed in other cities shortly.

The bank customers will have to get the ‘Live teller’ link first. This can be done buy just pressing a button. Immediately, the entire control of the ATM will come under the control of the concerned bank officer. Once he/she permits, the cheque has to be submitted in the ATM.

Along with the cheque, any of the personal Identity card copy can be scanned and presented. Once this process gets completed, the customer needs to sign on the given place on the monitor screen. The ATM will then check/verify and give cash within a minute.

There is a facility for the bank customers to choose the different amounts needed. In this system, it is possible to draw cash presenting both local and outstation cheques.

Further, these new ATMs have the facility to draw cash without a debit card, just be informing the Aadhar card number.

Also, the ATM can be used for depositing money and also refresh the personal details.

Presently, 2 banks have started using the new ATMs. It is expected that the other banks will soon order for the same.