Kumari Palany & Co

Garlic oil and its fantastic benefits

Posted on: 12/Dec/2018 10:22:36 AM
It is known that from garlic is got garlic oil by the process of steam distillation. Volatile sulphur compounds like dially disulfide etc are present in it. Garlic oil is sued for both culinary as well as for medicinal practises. We get many health benefits from garlic oil because of the presence of allicin, sulphide compounds, amino acids etc in the garlic oil.

How to make garlic oil:

In the first step garlic cloves are taken and crushed. In the next step they are sauté or fried quickly in a pan along with olive oil. This mixture is then heated for a time of 5 minutes and the pan is removed and the contents in the pan are poured into an air tight glass container.

There are many health benefits of garlic oil and these are

Improves digestion in us:

Many of us have digestive issues in us. The garlic oil rich in antioxidants is superb for treating constipation plus inflammation of gut etc. Gastrointestinal cancers could also be avoided by garlic oil intake.

Fights many skin issues:

The studies have shown that the antifungal properties of garlic oil plays a huge role in treatment of skin issues like candida, malassezia etc. Heated garlic oil is sprinkled over the infected part of skin for once in a day and this must be done for a week of time. Finally superb results are achieved.

Good for cardiovascular health:

It has been proved by some studies that polysulfides present in the garlic oil could relax vascular smooth muscles plus lowers blood pressure in us.

Curing cancer:

Many women are diagnosed with breast cancer these days. It is brought out that the diallyl disulfide compounds in garlic oil could cure breast cancer cells.

Strengthens immune system:

This is also one important health benefit of garlic oil. The antioxidants plus antibacterial, antifungal, and antiseptic properties of garlic oil does tremendously in preventing many bacterial infections plus in treating skin ailments etc effectively. Our immune system gets superb strength.

Bones get strength:

Bone loss could be lowered and osteoarthritis could be avoided in menopausal women by the oil extract of garlic. The garlic oil could increase the estrogen levels in the menopausal women.