Kumari Palany & Co

Why intake of winged beans is important for us?

Posted on: 28/Jan/2019 9:51:55 AM
Also called as Goa beans, Manila beans etc, winged beans belongs to the family ‘Fabaceae’ and are seen growing in South and South-East Asia etc. These winged beans can climb by twinning their stems around a support is known. It must be taken into account that its seeds, leaves, tubes and flowers could be consumed by us. The winged beans has got many ingredients like carbohydrates, dietary fibres, niacin, thiamine, proteins, calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, sodium, zinc etc in them and intake of this is tremendous for our health.

These are some superb health benefits of intake of winged beans.

Immunity gets improved:

This is one important health advantage we could get by consuming winged beans. Rich in vitamin C and A, winged beans helps in strengthening of our immune system. By this infections and diseases could be avoided in us.

Helps in weight loss:

The presence of low calories plus presence of fibres in winged beans does superbly in weight loss process. Intake of winged beans makes a person feel full and by this excess eating is avoided. Weight loss takes place.

Good for pregnant mothers:

Intake of winged beans by pregnant mothers could prevent the onset of any neural defects to the infants. In addition to this the iron present in winged beans does fabulously in reducing the risk of maternal anaemia and low birth weight.

Inflammation is lowered:

It is brought out that the magnesium in winged beans could lower the inflammation in us. For those with arthritis, intake of winged beans would be superb as it could relieve sprains or swellings etc.

Good for eye health:

Many people get eye issues like glaucoma, cataract etc. By consuming winged beans these issues could be avoided as the thiamine content in winged beans could improve muscle and nerve signalling and this plays a huge role in the connection between eyes and brain.

Diabetes is prevented:

Optimization of glucose metabolism takes place when we consume winged beans having calcium and vitamin D in them. Managing the secretion of insulin and blood sugar levels is possible by consuming winged beans. Blood sugar levels are balanced and hence diabetes is avoided.