Kumari Palany & Co

Cable TV system - only free channels from 1st February

Posted on: 28/Jan/2019 12:46:03 PM
The cable TV service providers have decided to show only the free channels from 1st February.

TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India) has recently announced that the new system where the customers can choose their own preferred channels to watch and pay accordingly. This is system is set to be implemented from 1st February.

Approval has been given by TRAI to collect up to a maximum of Rs. 19 for the paid channels. However, the MSOs (Multiple System Operators who provide the cable TV services) have objected that there are some issues to be resolved as the system is not clear and confusing. They have decided to show only the free channels from 1st February.

The cable TV service providers explained: ‘At a monthly rate of Rs. 15, the customers can watch up to 100 channels. Out of this monthly rental charges, 55% will go the cable TV operators and the balance 45% will go to the cable TV telecasters.

For the paid channels, only 20% can be taken by the telecasters and the cable TV service providers. The balance 80% will go to the TV channels. The cable TV operators have been demanding that higher commission must be given for showing paid channels. However, this has not been accepted so far.

In this situation, TRAI has announced that the new system should start on 1st February. However, the service providers have decided to show only the free channels from 1st February. Subsequently, they will inform the customers of the rates for the paid channels and ask them to select.