Kumari Palany & Co

The syllabus for the TBPSC Group-1 written exam released on the internet

Posted on: 10/Feb/2019 1:11:05 PM
The syllabus for the Main written examination for the Group-1 Category conducted by the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission has been uploaded on the internet.  A notification by the TNPSC Secretary Nandhakumar mentions:

‘It had already been announced that the Group-1 category preliminary examination is scheduled on 3rd March and the Main Examination is scheduled during the last week of March. Further, it had also been announced that the syllabus for the main examination would be released later.

Accordingly, the syllabus for the TNPSC Group-1 category Main Examination has been released on the official website of TNPSC.

It may be noted that the syllabus, as well as the examination system, has been revised.  So, in order to give sufficient preparatory time for the candidates, it has been considered whether to conduct the Main Exam during the 2nd week of July.

However, the preliminary Group-1 examination will be conducted as scheduled on 3rd March.

So, the candidates are advised to avail this extended time to prepare in a better for the revised syllabus and exam format.`