The Tamil Nadu State Government Department of School Education has organised to conduct full-time free coaching classed for NEET (National Entrance-cum-Eligibility Test) for 10000 students studying in the government high schools with food and accommodation.
A pass in NEET is mandatory for the students to have completed and passed +2 when they pursue joining medical courses. With the condition of mandatory pass in NEET prevailing over the last 2 academic years, the success rat of students from Tamil Nadu writing NEET has rather been very low.
In order that even the government high school students to do well academically and perform well in NEET, various coaching methods are being given on behalf of the Department of School Education in Tamil Nadu.
In the current academic year, special coaching classes are conducted for 20000 government high school students by over 1000 trained teachers throughout the state of Tamil Nadu.
During the period of school working days, these NEET coaching classes are being conducted in the evenings and during holidays, as special classes.
With all the public examinations set to conclude on 19th March as per Tamil Nadu State syllabus, the State Department of School Education has decided to conduct the above NEET coaching classes as a fulltime coaching classes from 23rd March.
This fulltime, free coaching classes for NEET preparation will be organised in 13 private colleges in the major cities of the state including Chennai with free food and accommodation.
For attending these special full-time coaching classes for NEET, 10000 students with higher marks are to be selected from the current 20000 students already being coached.
Professors, teachers, and private coaching institutions faculty, well-experienced in NEET training, will conduct these classes from morning to evening as special classes. The officials have decided to conduct these cases up to 3rd May.