Kumari Palany & Co

The green peas magic

Posted on: 26/Feb/2019 2:35:14 PM
Often times, Green peas is used to add flavors to your meal. It has a bland taste, but zests up the meal and gives a nice flavor. These green pods can do much more than you actually think. They are very high in antioxidants and fibre content that altogether helps in those aiming to shed weight.

There are many complaints and reports stating that green peas leads to bloating. While this holds true to some extent, it is also a fact that these cutie balls have got so much of nutrition in them. Green peas contains very high level of folate, dietary fibre, protein and manganese. They are largely helpful in weight loss as well.

Vegetable fillers

Being very high in fibre content, green peas can be used as a filler which can keep your hunger pangs settled for longer. When you are preparing vegetables with very high calorie content, you can try adding green peas with them so that it can reduce the overall fat and act as a filler.     

So, perhaps while making noodles or pasta, you may add lavish amount of green peas. It helps your stomach feel fuller for prolonged period, and at the same time your calorie intake gets reduced.

Rich protein source and lesser fat

One more reason for peas being an ideal ingredient is its less fat proportion. You can try having dried green peas as a crunchy snack, or use fresh green peas onto your salad. The way in which you take green peas doesn’t matter much, but being high in protein content, you can make it a very good snack to munch during hours in between your meals when your cravings are high.

The verdict

 Make sure to choose green peas that is very firm and fresh and green in colour. Usually the healthy peas are slightly tender and sweet on taste. Generally green peas are awesome substitute to fat content.