The 3-member search committee constituted by the Higher Education Department of Tamil Nadu to select the new Vice-Chancellor (VC) of Anna University has created waves of displeasure as they do not have any experience or exposure to technical education. ‘This is an unprecedented move. Even though it is not compulsory to have a technical person in the search committee ... while selecting the VC, you should at least have one person with technical education experience in the search panel’, said Former Vice Chancellor of Anna University E. Balaguruswamy.
The search committee comprises of S. Sachithanandam, Former VC of Dr. Ambedkar Law Univeristy in Tamil Nadu who is the Governor-Chancellor’s nominee, K. Aludiyapillai, Former VC of Madurai Kamaraj University who is the State nominee and R. Balasubramaniam, Director of Faculty of Science and Humanities at SRM deemed university who is the syndicate nominee.